Wednesday April 9, 2014 at 1.00pm has been accepted by the Speaker of the House for the presentation of our Appeal. While this is a non-partisan Appeal, unfortunately the rules of Parliament are such that this must be done through a political party. We have accepted the offer of Moana Mackey, Labour’s Environment and Climate Change spokesperson, to submit on our behalf. We will however present to the Parties that support us on the steps of Parliament or in the Parliament Foyer beforehand. The submission will consist of:
- The Appeal itself with the list of 100 prominent NZers who agreed to support it and the evidence on which it is based;
- The list of Political Parties and other organisations who have confirmed their support of the Appeal with any details about the numbers of members or employees they represent.
- A list of the names of all individuals who have signed in support of the Appeal be it at public meetings, at the website or from the internet petition.
- A covering letter from Wiseresponse giving a brief background of the group, the process and reinforcing what we are asking for.
Preliminary Programme for Presentation of Appeal to Parliament in Wellington 9 April 2014
Check for updates the day before!
1.00pm Welcome: Steps of Parliament, adjacent Seddon statue.
1.05pm Outline of the Appeal and short supporting statements: Sir Alan Mark, prominent NZ supporters and organisations.
1.15pm Theatrical event led by Generation Zero supporting the call to confront symptoms of risk.
1.30pm Handing over the Appeal and petition to the MPs: Sir Alan Mark, NZ youth, prominent NZ supporters and organisations.
1.35pm Responses of supporting political parties. Labour, Green, NZ First and any other Party represented
1.45pm Finish, followed by media interviews of prominent Appeal supporters.
2.15 – 3.30pm Meeting of Appeal supporters to debrief and plan implementation of the Risk Assessment in the Old Parliament Building opposite, Rm GB604.