Seeking support for a climate change action plan, to be advocated to Parliament.

A Coalition of twenty New Zealand social and environmental NGOs has pulled together an Action Plan for Sensible Climate Decision-Making, to focus discussion ahead of the election under the banner of Climate Consensus Coalition Aotearoa (CCCA). 

The CCCA hopes that, if Parliament adopts the Action Plan, the next three years bring:

  • adoption of a science-based emissions reduction target,
  • a legitimate, honest and coherent process around Parliament’s climate change decision making, and
  • political debate focused on how we achieve what the science says is necessary.

The CCCA is now inviting other NGOs big and small to join them, from around the country. Individuals can encourage any NGO (or similar) they are affiliated with to register their support or register directly themselves. So please distribute this email to your members if you can not sign as an Organisation.

We preferably need to know by August 7, so we can table the Action Plan on your behalf before Parliament rises for the election in mid August. We will continue to gather support after this date, so if approvals require more time, please still register when you can.

NGOs who helped develop this Plan include Forest and Bird, NZ Quakers, Engineers for Social Responsibility, Ora Taiao (NZ Climate and Health Council), Sustainable Aotearoa, Ngati Makino Heritage Trust, ECO, Network Waitangi Otautahi, Coal Action Network, NZ Alpine Club, Congestion Free Wellington, Gen Zero, Pure Advantage, Making a difference for Central Otago, Pacific Institute of Resource Management, Public Issues Methodist Church, Choose Clean Water, Sustainable Wairarapa, Sustainable Energy Forum as well as a number of academics.

Details of the Plan and other supporters are on the website. Please also pass this on to your contacts and other NGOs by email, Facebook or Twitter.

Thank you for any support you can give this critically important initiative.

Sincerely, Sir Alan F. Mark FRSNZ. Chair, Wise Response Society Inc (facilitating the CCCA initiative)