Throughout our short history New Zealand has been a global leader socially, politically, and more recently, environmentally. Our forebears were clearly concerned about the legacy they would leave those who followed them.
More recently, increasing numbers of people are recognising that healthy, sustainable environments are ultimately the source of all life and integral to every economy. It therefore follows that our hopes for the future depend upon policies and actions which ensure such environments are sustained.
Yet the overwhelming evidence is that life and economies worldwide are at serious risk and that the natural world is rapidly deteriorating. While less obvious than the threat of armed conflict, this deterioration suggests that the global challenge is no less urgent or daunting. If we are to remedy the situation, we must act decisively now. The scale of the issues means that there has been no more critical time in human history.
This current situation also means we are faced with an unprecedented national security issue transcending self-interest, wealth accumulation and party politics. It necessitates a need for all parties to adopt a formal and unified commitment, on behalf of people from all levels of society, to again show leadership and act on principle, even if the solution might involve simpler living to secure the future.
We may not be able to entirely resolve these threats, but let’s at least, openly and without prejudice, confront them.
The Appeal Organising Committee invites you to add you name to those of many prominent New Zealanders in support of this Appeal before it is formally submitted to Parliament with supporting scientific evidence.