Free public meeting: Tackling our Climate Emergency Head-On!

Want to do your bit to combat climate change?  Want to be prepared for the Zero Carbon Act?  Come and find out how with emissions reduction planning and implementation for City, business or personal.

TIME: 7pm – 9pm
DATE: Thursday 14 March
PLACE: Castle One, Otago University, Dunedin Campus

  • Situation and challenge: world GHG trends,  the remaining global carbon “budget”, NZ’s breakdown of GHG emissions and necessary trajectory Assoc. Prof. Emeritus Bob Lloyd, Climate Consultant
  • Dunedin’s energy profile and opportunities to make us more sustainable, including co-benefits – Assoc. Prof. Janet Stephenson , Director, Centre for Sustainability
  • What we can do as a City: Dunedin’s emissions footprint, and the development of city-wide actions to reduce this; the DCC’s organisational footprint and ambition – Marian Ioannou and Jessie Wu, Corporate Policy team, Dunedin City Council
  • What you can do as an individual: ways to measure, monitor and manage personal and household energy and carbon footprint to reduce emissions  – Austin Hansell, Enviro-Mark Solutions
  • What you can do as a business: how to profile and monitor your carbon footprint, the gains that are being made and their importance for the likes of fund access, risk and liability and carbon credits  – Dr Ann Smith, Enviro-Mark Solutions
  • Q and A: where to from here?

Please forward this email and Poster (PDF) to anyone you think will be interested.  The Flyer is for anyone to  print and publicly display.

Seminar arranged by Wise Response Society

Further information: Dugald MacTavish (Sec)